This commercial is freegin' hilarious!
Random Sketch

Another random sketch...this one turned into a barren type of landscape. Hopefully I can have time to come back to this today. I'd really like to add something cool to the foreground and fix some stuff...that rock formation to the left looks like a stack of cow turds. Gotta hurry though before I get completely bored with it :D
Late to the party

This was a random sketch I did today while I was playing around with ArtRage. It slowly evolved to this War of the Worlds image.
Rage against.....Photoshop?

I thought I would play around with ArtRage and whipped up a landscape sketch...looking at it, I probably should have used some kind of reference...ah well. I have the program installed on a pretty slow PC running a 500mhZ Pentium 3 and it amazes me how light this program is. A refreshing departure from PS or Painter. I can't decide if i want a new laptop or a new monitor, I would really like to take this program outdoors. I wonder if one of these could run it...
Slow and Low

I'm working on another character for another short story I have. My friend Clint from work might do a 3d model of him...I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I was also trying out a few things in Photoshop...its painful when you can't get it to do what you want.