
A quick sketch before I get started this morning. I was toying around with the idea of Wolverine as the last man on earth. He'd probably be more rough looking and more animal-like.

"Transformers" Movie...

Dear Michael Bay,
Dude! Do these look like Transformers to you?! What channel were you watching?

Lakers lose...

Hoooo.....man do the Lakers suck right now.

Something old, nothing new...

Sorry for the lack of updates around here...I've had my hands full. Geez, I sound like a broken record (or would that be mp3?). Here are some older sketches I dug up which will be part of a bigger thing if and when I ever get to overhaul my homepage. The top sketch was a design for a futuristic city of the industrialized, grimy kind. I based the building shapes on Spanish conquistador helmets. The bottom sketch was a value study for a cityscape I'd love to try and paint.