This was a caricature piece I did for a Snoop Dogg thread over at the Drawing Board. Snoop has great features for caricaturing, I think I'll try another pass and try to push it further.
This was a caricature piece I did for a Snoop Dogg thread over at the Drawing Board. Snoop has great features for caricaturing, I think I'll try another pass and try to push it further.
Anyone notice the Pope's ceremonial dress the other day? It looked like Trisha Biggar or Iain McCaig could've designed it. Pretty cool.
Just a drawing exercise before I cut out of work. I might have another drawing in me before the day is done.
I was able to go out this past Saturday to Balboa Park to get in some Plein Air sketching. Really cool place with tons of choice painting spots. I didn't get in as many of these quick gouache sketches as I had hoped because I wanted to do a larger sized oil piece...which turned out disastrous by the way and no it will not get posted. heh
Next time I'll be sure to get in some figure work since there are also tons of people lounging around that make for excellent targets for me to butcher on canvas. *cue diabolical laugh*
Wanted to doodle something, anything and the Hulk popped into mind. The initial pose didn't really hold too much drama so I ended up with the Hulk looking...er Hulkish while smashing...a fuzzy bunny. Well..whaddaya want I said it was a doodle.
Charlton Heston passed away today. I did this piece to commemorate his role as Taylor in the only Planet of The Apes movie that counts. While I really dug the production design in the remake with Marky Mark, the 1968 version had a charm that got lost in the newer version of the film...besides that, the original starred Chucky Heston, c'mon.
Somewhere, anti-gun lobbyists are scrambling to grab Chucky's gun.
Rest in peace, Mr. Heston.
WOOHOOO! an update! I was listening to David Bowie's Space Oddity and this image popped into my head last night. Gonna try and get some color or at least tone it up. That song is so dope...