Here are some sketches I drew up during a 2 hour meeting earlier today. I was happy I remembered to bring the sketchbook with me. I might draw some more sketches to fill up the bottom page at another meeting later today. *joy*
Here are some sketches I drew up during a 2 hour meeting earlier today. I was happy I remembered to bring the sketchbook with me. I might draw some more sketches to fill up the bottom page at another meeting later today. *joy*
It's way too hot to go outside for plein air painting so I decided to stay indoors. There was a skate competition on MTV earlier today and inspired me to do some studies. It was going to be either that or jumping back on to Spore and play around with some creatures.
I've spent the last 2 hours playing around with the Spore creature creator and my mind is blown! The creature creator alone is so entertaining I can't even begin to fathom how great the actual game is going to be! Run, do NOT walk and download it here. SIMPLY AMAZING!!
This is the first creature that I made and I named it Arak.
This sketch took about 45 minutes. I was trying to test out a video screen-cap service earlier called Jing. Pretty cool service, although the bummer is that the video clips are limited to 5 minutes, but hey its free. I'll drop in the video clip as soon as I work out the bugs.