A quickie piece I just finished for the drawing jam over at The Drawing Board.
This was done for a drawing jam over at Drawing Board that I ended up repurposing to submit for this week's art topic (Emo) over at Art Jumble. It also gave me a chance to practice some more character foreshortening.
I happened to catch a little bit of Afro Samurai last night on SpikeTV and was blown away by the extreme angles they were able to pull off. This morning I thought I would try my hand at a deep foreshortening exercise. What I need to remember though is not to try at at 8 in the morning...yeesh. My brain hurt afterwards...I had a lot of fun with this one.
Gurly girls! A couple of quick sketches I decided to throw some color on. Fun subject matter to draw and you can never get tired of doing these!
These usually happen during meetings hehehe :)
Update: MOAR!
This week's topic over at Art Jumble is Disney/Marvel merger. I took the Wolverine drawing I just finished and added some more elements and it fit right in!
Here is my take on Panthro, as I continue to try and draw the whole Thundercats team. In my rush to get him done I put covering on his feet but I think he's supposed to be barefoot. Urgh, too lazy to go back and change it :D
Update: I couldn't stand it so I added feet: