Things have been busy on my end lately, apologies for the lack of updates around here.
Happy Holidays!
Things have been busy on my end lately, apologies for the lack of updates around here.
Bored or Emo?

This was done for a drawing jam over at Drawing Board that I ended up repurposing to submit for this week's art topic (Emo) over at Art Jumble. It also gave me a chance to practice some more character foreshortening.

I happened to catch a little bit of Afro Samurai last night on SpikeTV and was blown away by the extreme angles they were able to pull off. This morning I thought I would try my hand at a deep foreshortening exercise. What I need to remember though is not to try at at 8 in the morning...yeesh. My brain hurt afterwards...I had a lot of fun with this one.

Gurly girls! A couple of quick sketches I decided to throw some color on. Fun subject matter to draw and you can never get tired of doing these!
These usually happen during meetings hehehe :)
Update: MOAR!

Disney hearts Marvel

This week's topic over at Art Jumble is Disney/Marvel merger. I took the Wolverine drawing I just finished and added some more elements and it fit right in!
The Best There Is
Mighty Panthro

Here is my take on Panthro, as I continue to try and draw the whole Thundercats team. In my rush to get him done I put covering on his feet but I think he's supposed to be barefoot. Urgh, too lazy to go back and change it :D
Update: I couldn't stand it so I added feet:

Cheetara ees hawt.

This week's topic over at Art Jumble is Thundercats! I had a lot of fun drawing Cheetara. If my attention holds, I'm gonna try and draw the whole team.
Morning Light

Its trash day today and I thought I'd take advantage of being up early. I decided to do a quick paint sketch to try and capture the morning light from the living room. Just a quick one before heading in to work.
Hillside Sketch Paint

I found this really cool and really convenient way to do screen caps.
You can give it a try at: Screen Toaster
I highly recommend it and since its browser-based, its compatible with Macs, PCs and even Linux.
This paint sketch was a result of my little test run. I'll post the vid as soon as I finish the clean up and edit.
UPDATE: Here is the video for the above paint sketch using Screen Toaster to record.
Ruminating At Zero Hour
This was a triptych that I finished recently. It was for a group show I was in entitled Mind-Machine and this was my contribution.

Bixie Sweetness!
ow, its been a while since I've updated! I thought I'd post this bit of awesome.SOE Fan Faire is going on in Las Vegas right now and a fan was spotted wearing a Bixie Queen costume! I also posted the Bixie Queen character concept I did for the game (...need to paint). Pretty cool that someone liked it enough to put in their valuable time to make a full-fledged costume! The costume came out quite nicely IMHO! :D

FreeRealms is open!

The game that I have been working on for the past three years has finally opened to the public! Head on over to the FreeRealms site to check it out. Once I get approval, I'll post the work I've done so far for the game on my main site...which needs an overhaul. Ugh.
Did I mention, its free to farkin' play?!? What more can you ask for hehehe
Oh and my in-game avatar's name is Egg Shen. Come find me and add me to your friend list :)
River Sunrise

Watching the Houston Rockets play against the Portland Trailblazers. I dont't necessarily care who wins as long they beat each other up a little bit. Actually, I think the Lakers match up better with the Rockets, so okay, maybe I'll root for the Rockets.
I did this quick sketch while watching the game. Ahhhh....can't believe its time for the playoffs again.
AJ - Love

This was my entry for the week over at Art Jumble. This week's topic was "Love". Head on over there to see the full version.
IF - Talisman

Should you ever run into Alex Trebek of Jeopardy fame and he starts hasslin' you about who is the record holder for the tallest man, you can step to him with confidence and say "That would be Robert Wadlow, Trebek." In yo face, Alex!
This was a piece I did for Illustration Friday and the topic was "Talisman". To me it sounded like "tallest man" so I crowbarred Sir Wadlow in there. If you're wondering what that is around his neck well that happens to be.....tadaaa! A TALISMAN!
My brilliance rocks your socks.
Stones by the shore

This one took 15 minutes. That was a good bit of advice I got today. I'm enjoying these a lot more now that I'm not concerning myself too much with details which I have a tendency to do and I think these studies have more energy in them.
Sunset Rock

On a friend's advice, I'm trying to get even faster with these studies. This was a 12 minute color study of an outcropping of rock facing the sunset.
Canyon Color Studies

Here are two canyon color studies I just finished. I think I'll try some urban type stuff next...or figures....GAAAH! I wish we didn't have to sleep if we didn't want to. Both of these were done in Art Rage although I took the top one into Photoshop and added a bit of atmosphere using the airbrush. The free version of AR doesn't have the airbrush tool activated. I guess I'll have to buy the full version one of these days which I don't really mind since it only runs twenty-five bucks.
Painting Video Test 02
Yet another sketch. Just trying to figure out the optimum software settings. I didn't want to take too long on the actual color study. Total time was around 25 minutes compressed to about 41/2 minutes.
Audio: Shake It Baby by John Lee Hooker
Survey says...

Just a couple of quick sketches to break up the day. The dude on the left looks like he was taking a survey.
Another study

Meh. This took a little too long and I feel its a bit too overworked but I'm just happy to get some time in to do a study.
Art Rage Study

Got a chance to fire up Art Rage tonight. Here is a quick landscape study from a random photo off the intertubes during half-time of the Lakers vs Warriors game. Updates have been erratic around here, hopefully that'll change once the game gets released next month.
Another cheat...
Still catching up. Here are two more from the drawing pad. Argh! This month has been nutty in terms of work...this is what I get for going on vacation. Ah well it was worth it.

Update Time
I'm in the midst of catching up with work that has backed up in the past couple of months, so I haven't really had time to do anything new. This is a bit of a cheat just so I can update around here and give me some time to catch up. These were sketches pulled from my lifedrawing pad. Happy New Year!